How To Make Traffic Lights

Today, technology plays an important role in helping humanity. And it made rules for us. Because of this, people began to create devices that were easy to hold. Accordingly, we would like to suggest how to make traffic lights through Arduino and LED devices. To understand the meaning in depth, we will explain and explain the above two types of tools. The first type of Arduino device is an electronic device that can process your code. It can store data and operations at your command.

For many projects, they are installed and used in all fields. The second type is LED lighting. They are electronic devices that can emit light to illuminate humanity. LED light bulbs can store electricity according to their device level. LED bulbs are commonly used in conjunction with other electronic devices to act as a signal.

According to the above explanation, we show how to make the following traffic lights.

1. Arduino device

2. LED lighting equipment

3. Electrical transmission

4. Board

5. Computer for coding

For this project, you can take a look at our video on YouTube. In addition, the traffic lights also have advantages and disadvantages for people.

I. Advantages

- Reduce traffic accidents

- Make people have good habits

Make the city and the countryside beautiful by lighting the lights at night.

II. Disadvantages

- Electricity consumption

- Create heat in rural and urban areas

- Slightly harmful to health

This is the drawing on Arduino 

D1 > pin Red LED

D2 > pin Green LED

D3 > pin Blue LED

 pin G Arduino > pin Ground

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